I'm using the term "teacher" loosely. Any player who is better than me is
an opportunity to learn. Being able to interact with the superior AI player
strictly through actual play in a repeatable and undo-able form allows me
to experiment and explore independently, in a way not achievable with a
superior skilled human. This doesn't diminish the value of human teachers.
In fact, I see them exploiting AIs to 'trivially play out all variations"
when attempting to demonstrate why a particular move is desirable or

To support your point, though, I completely agree the kind of formalization
you are pursuing will have even higher value as the AIs stretch out beyond
humans. I think your work when combined with an untiring AI assistant will
help human Go considerably. I know I have been helped greatly by your work,
and I'm at a very amateur skill level.

And your right about the more rigorous meaning of teacher (or Sensei) being
quite a bit further away. I'm hopeful other AI breakthroughs outside of the
Go domain will help close the gap more quickly.
On Mar 14, 2016 9:21 AM, "Robert Jasiek" <jas...@snafu.de> wrote:

> On 14.03.2016 08:59, Jim O'Flaherty wrote:
>> an AI player who becomes a better and better teacher.
> But you are aware that becoming a stronger AI player does not equal
> becoming a stronger teacher? Teachers also need to (translate to and)
> convey human knowledge and reasoning, and adapt to the specific pupils'
> needs (incl. reasoning, subconscious thinking and psychology) while
> interacting with human language specialised in go language. Solve two dozen
> AI tasks, combine them and then, maybe, you get the equivalent of a
> teacher. [FYI, I have taught 100+ regular single go pupils since 2008, and
> groups of pupils.]
> --
> robert jasiek
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