On 2017-10-28 at 16:36, Robert Jasiek <jas...@snafu.de> wrote:

> IMO, intuition does not exist; it is nothing but an excuse for not 
> understanding subconscious or currently unobservable thinking yet. Can we 
> speak of human subconscious thinking, please?

Uhm, I always thought the short word for “subconscious thinking” was 
“intuition” ;-)

Reminds me of “A Table is a Table” (orig. “Ein Tisch ist ein Tisch”), a short 
story by Swiss writer Peter Bichsel

—> https://vimeo.com/11331609 (ten minutes video, English version)
—> https://vimeo.com/8749843 (German version)

“What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet”
— Shakespeare

Greetings, Tom

Thomas Rohde
Wiesenkamp 12, 29646 Bispingen, GERMANY
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