Things are quiet; time for a flame war!

From <,1895,2158304,00.asp>

I especially liked the end of the article:

In my column, I mentioned a report of an IT manager who was lobbying his clients against the iPhone and the Macintosh. He said he would quit before he would allow a Mac in his environment.

This drew a strong response from Daniel Reiss, president and CEO of Automated Terminal Systems, of Washington. He said that IT consultant would be quickly out on the curb.

"Too many [people] in IT departments do not understand their function, or who actually earns the revenue that allows [IT workers] to be paid regularly. It is not the function of the IT department to block technology or innovation. Neither is it the mission of IT workers to make their own jobs easier, rather to facilitate the work of the end users. Whatever benefits [users] will benefit the organization and ultimately IT," he said.

In addition, he expressed concerns over the increasing demands of networking and security for IT, which could be leading to a lack of understanding of productivity applications used by departments in the organization.

From each site I visit and each conference I attend, it's evident that corporate management and departmental users seem to have a different idea of the mission and execution of the IT function than the IT department. Whether the topic under discussion is application support, storage, data retention and provision policies, client functionality, or iPhone, there's a growing culture clash over goals and values between IT workers and their clients.

Perhaps that's something that needs fixing before any more innovation takes place?

Lovettsville, VA

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