On Jul 21, 2007, at 6:05 PM, mike wrote:

What system are they using where they are tortured or being punished?

The folks where I work have to use machines running Windows because of software requirements. They have problems with those computers, and spend a fair amount of downtime fixing those problems. Perhaps the problems are of their own making at times, but they do appear to find their computers hard to manage and understand. They routinely stumble trying to do the simplest of things, such as display a slideshow of their photos from a flash memory card. I'd be willing to bet that I will only have to show them one time how to do it on the new Mac I obtained for my place of work and they will have no problems in the future on that machine.

On a recent macbreak podcast one of the podcasters said he was basically afraid of windows because he would have no idea how to protect himself from all the bad things out there. I see mac users like this all the time, mac users that have had it hammered into them from the community that windows will take down their entire network in seconds, all their data will be lost,
all files corrupted as soon as the machine is booted.

I agree that the hype is often exaggerated. All I know is from my own experiences and that which is shared with me by other folks. I have zero problems that I cannot quickly resolve myself, while all the persons I work with have various problems that they tell me of that they cannot readily resolve. I use Macs at home, they use Windows. That is all that I know. My girlfriend uses Windows where she works, and Macs at home. She is far happier with what she uses at home. I just have to take her word on that.

I have used Windows 98 and up, and I have to say that I find it more convoluted than the Mac OS, either System 9 or 10. That is just my opinion, but that opinion is based upon my personal experiences.


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