Well stated Paul.

> -----Original Message-----
> I think the article is mistaken about the conservatism of IT
> departments.
> (Surely there is misinformation coming sales reps - eg MS - about other
> technologies but I think they take advantage of a certain reality and
> don't
> create it.)
> That reality is that IT resources, especially user support resources
> are a relative and perhaps an absolute constraint on how users can use
> their systems.  This is a constant theme in the history of desktop
> computing and we
> have seen the entire retail support industry outsourced to India (!).
> So whether
> you have a Mac, Wintel or Linux shop,  de-standardizing has real costs
> and
> the costs can be substantial and they can be hard to predict.  The same
> thing
> can be said of giving the users "freedom."
> Adding more configurations and more
> technologies, tools to support probably adds to IT resources in a non-
> linear manner.  IMHO -Pjm

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