Thanks, Jeff.  Here is more grist for you mill, previously posted.
The Linux Action Show complains that the biggest pain in terms
of "open shop" support is OSX because Apple takes such pains
to disallow OSX running in a virtual session (and those boys are
have love for MS).

Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well stated Paul.

> -----Original Message-----
> I think the article is mistaken about the conservatism of IT
> departments.
> (Surely there is misinformation coming sales reps - eg MS - about other
> technologies but I think they take advantage of a certain reality and
> don't
> create it.)
> That reality is that IT resources, especially user support resources
> are a relative and perhaps an absolute constraint on how users can use
> their systems.  This is a constant theme in the history of desktop
> computing and we
> have seen the entire retail support industry outsourced to India (!).
> So whether
> you have a Mac, Wintel or Linux shop,  de-standardizing has real costs
> and
> the costs can be substantial and they can be hard to predict.  The same
> thing
> can be said of giving the users "freedom."
> Adding more configurations and more
> technologies, tools to support probably adds to IT resources in a non-
> linear manner.  IMHO -Pjm

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