I followed the cell phone/spam disucssions with interest since about 3
years ago, I began receiving spam call/robot calls from the public
school system telling me that my child could not attend without the
propoer vacinations .... 3 problems: I have no school age children, I
don't live in that district, and the message provded no contact
information to tell them to stop. For a time, the calls were weekly or
even daily. I searched for phone numbers for the school district but
could never find the correct office. Eventually, last Spring, I was
given a number to call. I could only leave a voice message and never
got a call back but these robot calls appear to have stopped ... wait,
I'd better check my phone ....good, no missed calls ... so far ...

> Subject: OT:Cell phone do not call
> After I got a new cell phone number recently I began receiving many spam SMS
> messages.  I listed my cell number with the Do Not Call registry and the
> messages soon stopped.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended
up where I needed to be."
  - Douglas Adams

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