I don't get this first statement at all. I'm also a Mac and PC user. I always wait on the release of the latest OS. Generalizing people who jump on a band wagon is just stupid. How many upgraded to Vista on it's release? Percentage wise it might be as large, but then you have to ask yourself how many PC-vs-Mac users actually know how to use their computers. PC user, I play games and read some email. Mac user, I get work done. Oh, I forgot the Utube thing. How important is that? PC people seem to flock to it. Maybe this is why the Mac/Apple has only a 3-5% market share (depending on who you listed to). It kind of reflects society as a whole. Scary.

Jeff M

On Oct 16, 2007, at 3:59 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:

The funny thing is PC users generally wait a year or two to see if it
is safe to get a
new OS while Mac users can't wait to leap on a new OS. I think it is
the amount of pain from previous up grades.

Vista Service pack 1 is being beta tested.  XP Serivice pack 3 is also
in the pipe line.  Mac just calls them after a different cat and
charges us again.   I use both PC and Mac and prefer the Mac by a good

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