Surprisingly the higher priced hotels/convention setups do not.

Oddly enough I was at the Hilton Paris.

Maybe this is a Hilton policy, but I almost always stay at Hiltons.

The one in Cleveland didn't charge extra, (but the speed was very
low).  I didn't get a chance to test out the Milennium in New York
as I was busy, on other business that didn't call for an internet
connection.  But it was a very nice hotel, narrowly surviving 9/11
as it did.

Hilton, I've found, is like MacDonalds.  It may not be the best
in town, and it may not be the least expensive, but you can count
on it for a certain level of service.

A reliable three and a half-star experience, from an American
perspective.  Europeans tend to give out four stars too readily, in
my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, the Hilton Paris is nice.

The service is impeccable, the accommodations are fine, the location
is primo.  But the internet access is Euro 22.00 per day.  That's high.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rev. Stewart Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Anecdotal Comparison of Broadband Service Worldwide

Surprisingly the higher priced hotels/convention setups do not.

This past summer I was in Houston for a convention and stayed at the Hilton's America Hotel which is next/connected to Brown Convention center. Cost was to be 8 or similar per 24 hour period. (Rooms were 100 a night convention rate!)

It was free in the lobby/community area, but cost everywhere else. I kept my use to the workroom where we had setup a connection for the room.

Yet I have stayed in 60 a night motels where it is free, and also stayed at one where it was free but worked like crap.

It is all relative.


At 07:14 PM 10/21/2007, you wrote:
Interesting.  In DC I pay US$30.00 per month for 3 mbps down, 768 kbps up.

That's unlimited but that's as good as it gets on speed. No FiOS here yet.

I know there's been a lot said on how other countries are better implementing
broadband than the USA.  Some of them have state monopoly telecom
companies, almost all of them are smaller than the USA.  When I was in
France last July the broadband was fast as a greased gopher.  But it was
very expensive. OK I was in a hotel. But it was the first time I had to pay
for it separately.

In the USA if there's broadband in a hotel it's normally an included item.

At some point the infrastructure buildout will be complete. Then we can all
breathe freely and start complainung about how slow it is again. :-)

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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