Do you have an off site back up?  If you have any critical data on
these machines you should rotate backups to a secure location away
from the machines in case of flood, fire etc.  So that might mean
another set of backups or burning an occasional DVD of the most
critical stuff and storing it somewhere off site or using a remote
backup service.

On Dec 12, 2007 1:20 AM, Constance Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for opinions on the reliability of brands of external
> hard drives, the moderate-sized multi-MB stationary ones that are
> designed for storage and backups.
> Specifically, I have a 320 MB La Cie Firewire/USB2 drive (one of the
> cute little ones designed by Porsche) and a Crossfire brand drive of
> similar capacity that weighs twice as much but, according to the
> literature in the package, is pretty much equivalent, functionally
> speaking.
> I have two computers that need backing up; I want to use the better,
> more reliable drive on the more important computer.
> Any opinions on the reliability of either or both drives?
> Or is it just a total crapshoot when you buy external hard drives, on
> what works and for how long?
> --Constance Warner
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