> I'm looking for opinions on the reliability of brands of external
> hard drives, the moderate-sized multi-MB stationary ones that are
> designed for storage and backups.
> Specifically, I have a 320 MB La Cie Firewire/USB2 drive (one of the
> cute little ones designed by Porsche) and a Crossfire brand drive of
> similar capacity that weighs twice as much but, according to the
> literature in the package, is pretty much equivalent, functionally
> speaking.
> I have two computers that need backing up; I want to use the better,
> more reliable drive on the more important computer.
> Any opinions on the reliability of either or both drives?
> Or is it just a total crapshoot when you buy external hard drives, on
> what works and for how long?

I've come to the conclusion that it's a crapshoot with any hard drive.  I
prefer Western Digital, but I've had those fail on me, once, while sitting
at the computer.  I look at the owner reviews on Newegg about the Seagate
drives and there is a definite trend towards those drives failing early, but
that's hardly definitive.  Maxtor has a rep as being the low-end of hard
drives, but those have been fairly reliable IME.

Just assume that *any* mechanism will fail at some point.  That said, an
external RAID device can provide a measure of protection against drive
failure.  You may want to consider online backups services, which have much
more redundancy built in and can be automated.

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