Horse manure.

A high-bit-rate MP3 is just fine. No need to torture ourselves to reach
some imaginary standard of purity. If you need a machine to detect
something you can not hear it is really pointless. Music is intended for
the enjoyment of humans, not to please machines.

There is little or no correlation between the kind of hearing loss associated with increasing age or exposure to high sound levels and the ability to discern the difference between good or bad audio data compression systems within a controlled sample of listeners. George Martin at 81 almost certainly hears better the differences between an mp3 and an original master two track than I could have at age 20. The original poster asked how to convert and transfer ANALOG sources to digital format for both archival purposes as well as casual use with iTunes into presumably an iPod. The former requires high quality formats with minimal loss at least to the standard of widely distributed audio playback media currently in use - the 16 bit, 44.1 khz audio CD- while the later is governed largely by the playback environment. If I where transferring half track stereo masters of live performances or multitrack mix downs I'd use 24 bit 96 k and thats not a Smithsonian or Library of Congress level of archiving at all - just plain old commercial use.

E. Riley Casey
Silver Spring MD
301-608-2180 ph
301-608-0789 fx
301-440-2923 shoe phone
Entertainment Sound Production ( )

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