She claims we've used 1/3 of the total of earth's natural resource. In her fancy graphic she shows things like trees being cut a third of all forests are decimated? In 3 decades? wow. Oh wait...forested areas have remained relatively stable since the early 1900's since companies that log these forests know that if you don't plant also they would have been out of business in 1909. Since no one really knows for sure how much coal or oil or natural gas lies under ground it's hard to pinpoint using 1/3 of it in the last 30 years. She also states offhandedly that almost 50% of the federal budget goes to military. Most estimates point closer to 20% even
with adjustments made f

I love "STUFF".  I have lots of "STUFF" so I'm not anti shopping.

Mike, I'll see if I can contact the people who made it and find out where they got their facts. It is my understanding.....but I DON"T have facts yet to support it....that the forestry companies cannot replant trees in large enough numbers to replace the enormous forests that are now just gone forever. ANd in other countries, they aren't always replanting, they're just stripping the trees away and leaving the ground open to erosion. And the destruction of the mountains in W.Virginia , USA, alone has destroyed not only natural beauty but has poisoned the water of nearby streams that people still use, forced the people who've lived on those mountains off their land because of landslides from above and have kept people from accessing their land...and in some cases their family graveyards because the mining companies have bought the land around them and denies them least until the mountain is mined out.
Photos of such can be found here:
and here:

I am not from W.Va or anyplace where this kind of thing is going on so I don't have a direct interest in it. But I am a consumer....a big one. I love to shop but if my habits are going to make life miserable for future generations, I think I...and others like me.....should at the very least be aware of how we are impacting the future. I didn't take from the movie that we needed to return to prehistoric behavior....only that we should work to lessen the bad stuff that comes out of consumerism by finding cleaner ways to make our 'stuff' and by using renewable basic ingredients. Computers are one of those bits of "stuff" that contribute to pollution if not disposed of properly.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!" Have a wonderful day!

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