There are two arguments that mitigate against the Friedmann pov. One
1970 economics and one using 2007 economics."

While we're talking about Robin Hoods: There's another kind of
economics, too: 1929-1933 economics.  Back then, in a laissez-faire
environment, bankers and other corporate types at the top of the food
chain were still doing pretty well, while ordinary folks--well, do I
really have to describe the Great Depression and what ordinary folks
went through?

A lot of the capitalists were pleased that the rest of the economy was
on a "bread-and-water diet" (exact quote) to get the excesses out of the
system.  Some big employers actually like a recession or two to
"discipline labor" (as I heard when I was looking for a job during an
economic downturn).

So who did we get as Robin Hood then?  FDR, of course.  Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, a president from a wealthy old family, isn't a likely
candidate for the part, but he's in large measure responsible for the
New Deal, which meant that lots of people didn't starve then, thanks to
New Deal programs; and a lot of old people aren't facing poverty on the
street now, thanks to Social Security.  (I know it isn't much, but just
try to imagine what life without it would be like for seniors--and for
their adult children, who would otherwise be responsible for supporting

Many years later, a wing of the Republican Party has been playing
Sherriff of Nottingham to FDR's Robin Hood, by attempting to undo the
New Deal, or as much of it as they can reach.  Rather against their own
long-term best interests, I think; the country was circling the drain in
1933, and there were lots of ideologues, demagogues, and parties that
were poised to take advantage of the situation.  I'll bet that Communism
might look pretty good to a guy who has just been fired by a rich steel
mill owner, foreclosed on by a rich banker, and refused food and medical
help for his children because his money was lost when the local bank
failed.  A lot of people joined the Communist Party in those days, and
it's not hard to see why.  It's also not hard to imagine what would have
happened to said rich bankers and steel mill owners if a radical
government HAD taken over; we have the Soviet example for reference
(hint: the LUCKY ones wound up in Siberia.  Don't ask about the rest.)

So why aren't we living in the People's Republic of America?  I'll bet
the New Deal (and similar measures) was a big part of it, AND I'LL BET
FDR WAS WELL AWARE OF THIS.  He acted in everyone's long-term best
interest, and the rest is history.

So what does this have to do with today?  We're not in a Great
Depression--yet.  But there are a lot of stresses and strains, and the
corporations are behaving like the capitalists of 1929: maximizing their
own profits, and to hell with everybody else.  I don't know what kind of
ideologues and demagogues will crawl out from under the rocks this time,
if things get really bad, but I guarantee they're there, just waiting
for their big chance.

I've often wondered what it would be like if I could travel back in time
before the Great Depression, or the Russian Revolution, and warn the
Powers That Be that something really bad was coming unless they made big
changes, fast.

If there are any corporate types reading this today: consider yourself

--Constance Warner

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