I like your in-depth analysis: "The healthcare guys."

Do they carry around a big bag of healthcare to dole out skimpily to the poor and needy?

Lemme tell you a REAL healthcare story.

I have whatcha call one of those orphan diseases. It's incurable, it's progressive, but it's treatable, to slow down my imminent demise.

My pharmacy bill ran over $300k last year, because most of the drugs I take are only taken by the few of us who have this disease (you DO remember the economy of scale, don't you?). It will likely cost that much annually for the rest of my life.

If I had no insurance, the companies would give it to me.

If I had lousy insurance, there are foundations which will help with the costs.

However, in the UK, that paragon of the National Health Service, they've just decided not to carry five of the six medications for my disease. If that one that's left doesn't treat you, then you're sunk.

Canada? One of my pals died there last year because the health board fiddled around too long to get her proper treatment.

Australia? One of my pals died there because not only would the government not buy the drug from overseas because of the cost, they wouldn't let him buy any with his own money and import it.

Yeah, it's not great here, but like Churchill said, it's better than the alternatives.

Ellen H.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Piwowar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Why not the US?

The healthcare guys are doing it too.
They make the cost so high that people will inevitably die. And they skim
lots of money off the top to support their own lavish lifestyles.

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