>The plain truth is that private charity and religious foundations  
>can't possibly cope with the health care needs of people without  
>insurance or who have inadequate health insurance.  There are too  
>many people needing too much care

1) Reminder that the topic is broadband and this is the Computer Guys 
list. One needs to keep at least one foot on the base or you may be out.

2) I think it a waste of time to respond to neocon dreams of living in a 
Mad Max world. The government is not going to be overthrown and we are 
not going to be ruled by motorcycle gangs. Sorry neocons, it ain't going 
to happen. Can we move this discussion back to reality?

BTW, Comcast announced yesterday that it is going to stop interfering 
with the free flow of data on its network. Score one for liberty.

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