It is also a fine balancing act.

These other countries have tried to balance it all. Not perfect mind you but balance.

My in-laws live in Canada. Not a lot of income mind you but they both worked very hard to be where they are today. They have free health care and free prescriptions. They can get in to see a doctor when they need too.

If they were here in the states I would not want to see what kind of standard of living they would have. My f-i-l was a machinist, and my m-i-l worked in the city hall as a Admin person in [part of city gov. Not high paying jobs either one of them.

Do they com[plain about their taxes? Oh yeah you ought to see what the sales taxes are like when you buy something. (Goods and services tax, plus Provincial sales tax ) but there are always balances that need to be made and compromises that have to be done.

I recently went to get a prescription for a certain condition. My prescription plan does not cover it. $190 for 14 pills. I guess I will have to live with the condition.


At 11:42 AM 3/29/2008, you wrote:
Your position defies logic. The ability to point out situations that are
worse than ours does nothing to support any assertion that our situation
is acceptable.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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