Talk to the states of Alabama, Georgia and Florida about this subject. it is not pretty.

Georgia just recently tried to reclaim about 2 miles of TN in a border dispute that was deemed settled until it was realized it would get the state of Georgia more water resources, but take away from TN.


At 09:45 PM 3/30/2008, you wrote:

If you don't think (fresh) water is a scarce resource I really don't
know what to say.  The US water table is steadily dropping due to over
use from inefficient agriculture and domestic use made possible by
governments not charging what the water is worth.  Water is the
classic commons.  Libertarian leaner though I am, even I understand
that flowing water can not really be owned as it never stays in one
place.  Water use ought to be auctioned off to the highest bidder for
the common weal.  If the consumer will not pay what desert irrigated
agriculture would really cost in an open market, and it would not be
cheap, then more efficient methods will be found.  While water is
essentially free or cheap there is no incentive.

Water is not bandwidth - you can not just build more.  A better
analogy would be spectrum - with better tech we can use it more
efficiently, but we can not make more of it at this time.  In the
future we can desalinate with massive power input, right now that
power is prohibitive.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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