Eric, can you give any insight as to Verizon's long-term plan for FiOS? Is it going to be everywhere? Urban/dense suburban only? No clue?

Everywhere eventually, except where local regulations prevent it.

To provide the TV part we have to have regulatory approval in
the form of a franchise agreement with the local government, which
could be as small as a city or county government.

The last numbers I saw (this was over a year ago) were forecasting
that by 2012 we will have "passed" half our subscriber base,
nationwide.  "Passed"  means that fiber is deployed and lit, not that
a particular subscriber is a FiOS customer, although they could be.

Since we began the deployment in 2004, in theory the network will
be fully built out by 2020, best case scenario.  This is a best guess on
my part, not the official position of Verizon, of course.

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