i see 

Genie Backup Manager 8 is the recommended software from pc magazine

anyone have any comments on it, or some other program that:

1. does not do backup written to the sky(i want cd/dvd/tape in hand)

2.  costs less than 100 bucks

3.  does not do an image backup(i have Acronis and dislike it)

At 04:48 PM 6/21/2008, you wrote:
>Mozy.  No fuss, no muss.  2 GB free.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> I have used "Backup myPC" software for windows machines for about 10 or
>> 15 years and through 10 name changes and a half a dozen owners.  it is
>> fast, easy, and ran on everything from windows 95 to xp.  it was cheap.
>> it does not seem to run on Vista.
>> what is the backup software of choice to run on xp and on vista?
>> i have not checked the current MS backup software, but in the past, one
>> could not run a backup from one os to the next.
>> will an xp bu transfer to vista?
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