Tom makes a good point here.  Are you amazed I'm actually agreeing with
you?  :-)

Not to start an advertising debate, but there are a lot of junk PCs for
sale out there because with some buyers, price is the ultimate factor. 

Apple's been able to avoid that by refusing to allow anyone to build
clone systems for them (although I vaguely remember some number of years
ago, didn't some company make a clone?).  That's one reason why,
historically, Apple prices have been higher than PC prices.  However,
when Apple introduced the Mac Mini, that was (I believe) the first
computer Apple sold for significantly less than $1,000.  

I think one thing that's hurting Apple's sales (to some extent) is
people have gotten used to Apple's historically higher prices.  But as
Tom's attempting to point out, the price points are getting remarkably


-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Apple Pricing on Par with HP, Dell (PC World)

>If he'd compared low end macbook to low end HP, the HP would have won
out by
>about 200 bux.  I can drive down to Fry's right now and get a HP
>with twice the memory, 2 inches larger screen, larger HD all for about
>less then if I buy the macbook they sell next to it.   As is said,
>damn lies and statistics.  I don't doubt anything read in the article,
>it's still not wholey accurate.  I'll never understand the mac zealots
>desire to prove beyond any doubt that macs don't cost more.  I bought
>ipod and it was more expensive then a lot of other mp3 players, but I
>the polish..the fit and finish of the product.

I think you missed the point. No one will dispute that you can find a 
Windows junk box selling for close to nothing. The point was that people

looking for a good computer should not immediately rule out Macs because

of false propaganda about their price. If the false propaganda was not 
constantly being repeated it would not be necessary to point it out. 
Unfortunately that is not the case.

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