> The problem is that often there just isn't enough context to realize
> that the person is trying to be humorous/ironic/sarcastic.  In
> traditional print, you'd have lots and lots of written words to
> realize this.  In realspace, you can judge the body language of the
> person making the statement.  In brief email exchanges, sometimes you
> need substitutes for those cues - and thats the purpose of the smiley.
> I don't think the assumption is that the person won't "get" the
> joke... its to make sure that people realize it _is_ a joke.

Yes, I think this is exactly right. Email, forums, listserv posts, IMs, and
the like lack the cues and/or the space to ensure that the reader knows
you're joking.  I resisted emoticons for many years before I came (somewhat
reluctantly) to this conclusion.

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