I refuse tog et a data plan from Verizon, over priced for what they are.
29.95 for web and email per month??????? Come on!!!!
Check out Samsung, I know it is a Windows based phone but I think
ther eare som Mac interfaces for those type phones.
Also note Palm is coming out with a centro style phone that will be
Windows (palm 800?)
I loved my palm, 700W but no wifi, and a bit clunky. (I still have
one of my old ones.)
At 08:37 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
It was to surf and do email without having to also buy a data plan
from Verizon. I wouldn't be using it enough to warrant the data plan.
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL SL 82
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