So then how do you correct soft errors?  You seem to have a soft fetish...I
want to protect both, you don't seem to feel the need to protect the
hardware side.  Hence why you keep talking about mtbf.

Are not we better off trying to do our best protecting all types of errors?
If I hire a IT manager I don't want just him relying on what he's seen, but
what is true.  I had a manager at a grocery store I used to work at order ad
based on what he liked and not what the buying habits were for the area.
That seems to be the way you work out data protection schemes.  All your
problems are soft related, I've seen more hardware related.  I would choose
to try and protect both, you ignore one.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay. Now I understand the RAID fetish. You are not worrying about the
> logical structure of the drive. You are focusing on the hardware and
> testing bits and bytes as they go by. CRC has nothing to do with the
> logical structure of the drive, just the bits and bytes as they are being
> transferred. From my long experience almost all drive related problems
> are "soft" errors. That is why I worry about them and see no need for
> RAID's "hardware" protection.
> >That's what CRC does...why do you think it won't?  You could possibly
> argue
> >that if you have a bad controler  that still functions 98% AND a bad hard
> >drive that still gives the illusion of working that this could
> >happen...otherwise this makes no sense.  And under your way, with one
> drive
> >in the box and one drive via usb/firewire...why wouldn't bad data be
> written
> >then?
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