>Are not we better off trying to do our best protecting all types of errors?

Not necessarily. This is a great example of the importance of good 
judgement. There are 2 types of errors with "soft" occurring 98% of the 
time, and "hard" 2%. You want to make a major effort to protect against 
the 2% and do nothing about the 98%. To me that is just silly. RAID is a 
silly waste of resources.

>All your problems are soft related, I've seen more hardware related.

I'm sorry the you don't understand that things change and the 
significance of MTBFs. You keep implementing tech solutions from the '80s 
and '90s.

>I would choose to try and protect both, you ignore one.

Yep, that's a fine example of of bad judgement. Once events become very 
rare the technology used to protect against them becomes a significant 
source of problems. It can exceed the likelyhood of the original problem. 
Time to chnage with the times.

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