>Oh my.  Being a half-assed govt created and approved monopoly is now the
>equivalent to that of a violent criminal?  Has Comcast actually committed a

You are quite a spinner. Here we go for another round of "Thank You for 
Not Smoking."

I think the events in the financial markets over the last few days should 
have refocused our attention on what should be considered criminal.

If I were to drive a car recklessly and cause you to leave the road and 
be injured that would be a criminal act. In fact, just the first part 
would be criminal.

Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held 
responsible for operating a company recklessly in a manner that causes 
huge losses to the nation's economy, causes innocent people to lose their 
jobs, homes, savings, pensions, etc. and leaves the government holding 
the bag for $trillions?

With Comcast and their ilk we are seeing new storm clouds on the horizon. 
Instead of upgrading their networks they downgrade our service, lie about 
the technology, and corrupt our governing system to perpetuate their 
thievery. Their greedy mismanagement is going to crash the USA's 
information economy. 

Acting today could right the system with mininal impact. Waiting until we 
discover that the USA has slipped way behind the rest of the world in 
this vital field will put the country into a position not unlike the 
current financial crisis, except fixing it will be a lot harder and 

The solution may be as simple as to void all exclusive franchises and any 
legislation that keeps communities from entering the market to correct 
market inefficiencies that may cause them to get bypassed. Another 
solution would be to enforce universal service to eliminate cherry 
picking and to set minimum service standards (network neutrality, no 
caps, no throttling, etc.).

As we have seen with FIOS and they systems now spreading in Europe and 
Asia, broadband can be a lot better and cheaper than it is in tha USA.

>What kind of nonsense is it when companies lie to us about the high cost 
>of a product that is demonstrably cheaper to produce than even a year 
>ago! We're quibbling about 2Mb, 6Mb, 10Mb service while they're testing 
>1Gb service in Amsterdam and in Sweden!


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