BTW, Palin will be VICE President if McCain is elected.  If that
happens, let's hope he stays healthy and that she doesn't try to pull a
Cheney.  Incidentally, she has turned against and betrayed nearly every
political figure who has ever helped her, so if McCain is elected, it
could be an interesting four years.  (BTW, as far as an improved
internet or wireless network goes: she has a record of not funding
infrastructure, other than a hockey rink that left the town of Wasilla
in debt.)

"Pit bull" is a pretty good description.

(OT Warning: posting a link to a news story at the BOTTOM of this email,
on Palin & Wasilla under her watch.  If you don't want anything OT,
please avoid it.)

--Constance Warner

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Steve Rigby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>> Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held
>  The pit bull with lipstick is gonna roll into DC and "correct" all of
> with her big 'ole moose guttin' knife.  In the meantime, just chill.
> is on the way.
>  Steve

Awesome!  I will start holding my!

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