> The solution may be as simple as to void all exclusive franchises and
> any legislation that keeps communities from entering the market to correct
> market inefficiencies that may cause them to get bypassed. 

By God, there's hope for you yet.  Maybe the idiot king of the FCC, Kevin
Martin, can abuse his powers for good for a change and do just that.  It
would probably fall apart in the first court case, but waiting for counties
and municipalities to give up their fat franchise fees, well, Godot, would
get there first.

Take 'em kicking and screaming out of the 1950's, I say.

> Another solution would be to enforce universal service to eliminate cherry
> picking and to set minimum service standards (network neutrality, no
> caps, no throttling, etc.).

Oooooo, so close.  So much for hope.  

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