My dad was one of those manager-engineers, and managed an Industrial Engineering department. He helped make the lines run efficiently, but also well.

Even for line workers pay was good. I made 5.50 an hour 30 years ago. That was as a summer college (well I was in grad school) student working on the line. They had a program where they would hire the children of workers for the summer to give them summer employment. (both of my brothers worked there at one time. That summer there were two of us plus my ad, all working different shifts.) They also had college loan programs for employees to help put their kids through school.

Oh did I mention their credit union? They were a top class outfit at the time. By the way they also had top flight security. No one got in without an ID and no one walked out with a package unless it was inspected. (Remember this was 30 years ago.)

Got one of my first computers (IBM) from my dad. They sold AT&T 6300 refurb's to employees at a huge discount.

For that day as a middle level manger my dad earned well. (I actually earn less than my dad did in actual dollars not event taking in account inflation etc.)

Western Electric was a great company in it's day.


At 05:54 PM 9/18/2008, you wrote:

Not directly, but certainly indirectly. As a regulated utility AT&T was a
haven for manager-engineers. There was an emphasis on making things the
"right way." After the break up the reformed companies were flooded with
MBAs who disdained technology, knowing that the best way to make money
was to slash the workforce, slash research, and manipulate the stock

So they went from one extreme to the other.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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