That explains that.  If it is part of Alcatel Lucent it is a dead horse.

Western Electric did some of their own testing research (I visited the plant a lot as my dad worked there, and even I worked there one summer)

They manufactured almost 100% of what went into the phone, even down to the screws.

Not many companies do that anymore.


At 01:30 PM 9/18/2008, you wrote:
Does Bell Labs still exist?  Depends on what you mean by Bell Labs. I
saw a PBS program (a Nova, I think) in which Bell Labs veterans of the
50's, 60's, and 70's complained that the atmosphere and working
conditions had changed so much, just before they left, that it was no
longer possible to do the same kind of breakthrough research that had
been possible under the more generous support that had been provided
earlier.  As far as THEY were concerned, Bell Labs had ceased to exist.

However, the laboratories continued in various forms and through various
mergers after the breakup of AT&T, with some impressive achievements.

This year, the current form of Bell Labs (Alcatel-Lucent) stopped
research in basic science and announced that research in the future
would concentrate on applied research in marketable areas.  This narrow
focus on applied research is not in the spirit of the earlier Bell Labs.

So did the breakup of AT&T kill Bell Labs?  Maybe, maybe not.  The
earlier Bell Labs has been portrayed as a scientific utopia, which it
may well have been.  But few corporations are anywhere near that
generous, and it's probably unrealistic to expect utopias to last.

--Constance Warner

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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