We will and we wont.

Three things I see missing from the mix nowadays which made AT&T so powerful.

Manufacturing. None of the companies today not even the New AT&T have manufacturing capabilities today. In the old days AT& did all their own manufacturing. Not a p[hone sold, installed,used on the AT&T network was made by an outside company. Even teh wire they used to run lines was all AT&T manufactured. None of it exists anymore.

Bell Labs. I am not sure what happened with Bell Labs but they were a premiere research arm at one time. I think someone has mentioned it here before but the transistor and some other stuff came out of Bell Labs.

AT&T long lines. I am not sure what happened to that one either. Long Lines was were a lot of the money was. The biggest fight was over who got paid and how much for long distance connections and coverage. MCI made heir money by reselling long distance between certain points. They undercut AT& by using high volume points to make their money. I am not sure who controls the long distance lines anymore. But there is no loner the strangle hold that AT&T once held.

We are seeing a convergence once again but it is a different convergence than what it was. Cell coverage and Home coverage.


At 12:03 AM 9/18/2008, you wrote:
Well, it soon will be under either the same or another name.  The
whole reason SBC rebranded itself as AT&T after they bought
the "old" AT&T was that people didn't know SBC from a hole in the
wall but they DID know AT&T.  No it's not the same company.

But it's all a part of what WAS the Bell System.

Verizon chose to call itself "Verizon" when it bought GTE, not when
it bought NYNEX.  Then it was still Bell Atlantic.  When we bought
MCI at a fire-sale price we got UUNET and MCI, but we were not
going to call ourselves WorldCom or MCI.

Alcatel/Lucent (and Telcordia) are on the table as I see it.

I know what happened, my question is why we had to jump through
these hoops to get back to where we were in 1984.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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