At 04:59 PM 9/23/2008, you wrote:
>On Sep 23, 2008, at 4:33 PM, gerald wrote:
>>this article is the biggest joke i have ever seen as an argument to  
>>put micks in to a biz app environment.
>>1.  get the files transfered for free
>This can be a big deal for someone switching. At the end of the  
>exercise, their address book, claendar, and even mail have all been  
>transferred. Their music and photos are in place. They are ready to  
>begin working

what do muzak and photos have to do with a real company?

>>2.lepard is intuitive
>>my wife has run OS's since before os existed(cpm), through all the  
>>xerox systems(alto,star,), windoz systems, .  she has lepard now.   
>>she sez it's tough.  when i try to run it, i can barely turn on the  
>It is amazing to me that I see so many people who have easily made the  
>switch, and within a week or so, they are very comfortable using their  
>new Macs.
>The approach I suggest is not "In Windows I did this. Now X&$&$&XXX*^%* %^*, 
>where is it on this X*(&Y^%%$*OI Mac? The approach that works is  
>I want to do XX, let me find the way to do it.

i told you my wife was a professional.  ran all systems.  including early mac.  
leapord is only lovely to the beholder.

>> viruses
>>agreed.  nobody cares, and most macs are not on a corporate network  
>>where there may be something to screw up or steal.
>It is amazing how many Macs are moving on to corporate networks each  
>day. If the IT staff has an open mind, things can go very successfully

absolutely amazing.  most are kids with laptops and iphones

>>4.hundreds of biz apps.
>>yeah, like hallmark cards, address books, ported over ms apps etc.   
>>what about a good intregrated data base program that will handle  
>>2-3000 customers and 10-20,000skews(that is not a real big  
>>company)?  bar codes, direct mail, payroll,pos, contact manager. and  
>>at reasonable price.   i had all of those(no pos, contact mgr) in  
>>1990 when mac was trying to get a xerox unit to call a big mac.   
>>even getting a couple of fonts was pure hell, and very
>No Hallmark cards, but FileMaker Pro (which is cross-platform and  
>works with SQL etc.) is a darn good database. Much of what you are  
>complaining about was fixed almost 10 years ago.

name a real business program for each and the price.  i wanted to convert from 
one business program to another the cost was to be around $250,000 buy the 
program and transfer the data..  i do not know what is filemaker pro, can i 
input orders and get out invoices with an office person and not have to write 
the program first, just load it?  what about my payroll?  what about bar 
coding?  what about , what about.  these machines are very pretty toys.  they 
do now do the biz apps of ms office, but that is not what a small business 
does.  i needed to enter 100 orders a day, ship and invoice.  all those dirty 
things a business does.  a good data base is a base upon which to write such a 
program.  what's the program?

>>5.  apple support
>>does apple support 3rd party software?
>No, but there are many fine support personnel, trained and certified  
>by Apple who can give a hand

i certified all my employees also.  most were toilet trained.

>>6*  networking
>>applenet???????????remember that????  they network well now.  they  
>>use the industry standard networking.  no more propriatry  
>This, once again is a problem solved long ago.

i said that.  long ago.  10 years after the rest of the world fixed it, and 
applets were still doing graphics and talking about their great little machine.

>You are allowed to like or dislike whatever you want, but your dislike  
>does not make your opinions fact. The Macintosh OS is robust, stable  
>and easy to support. But all of that is lost on someone who does not  
>want to look at the other side of the street.

i had a business and a bottom line.  they did not have the SOFTWARE for a 
business.  a company does not throw away legacy software to do mac because it 
is suddenly better, maybe.

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