Get what?

Why is it impossible that there are actually people who don't fact
prefer to use windows?

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Snyder, Mark (IT CIV) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> Apple uses their software to sell their hardware.  I personally buy
> Apple to use the software.  The hardware is very nice and usually lasts
> quite well.  But I but it for their software. I use Dell/IBM, etc.
> laptops with Windows all day at the office, so I do know the
> differences.
> I do not think WFBs get this.
> Thank you,
> Mark Snyder
> -----Original Message-----
> Tom there are just some points you never seem to get.
> For a lot of us, and I mean the vast majority price point is the most
> important thing out there.
> If toy A does the same thing as toy B and is $80 less.  I am buying toy
> B.
> I do not buy computers out of fear, or OS's out of fear.  I buy them
> based on price point.  Does OS A do the same things as OS B?  How much
> is the equipment going to cost me?  Which in the end will be
> cheaper.    (By the way, yes I did read the comparison, and I do not
> buy equipment at that level.  I drive a Ford because I cannot afford a
> Lincoln, I drive Chevy's as I cannot afford Cadillacs.)
> One of the biggest differences between Apple and Microsoft I see is two
> totally different philosophy's.
> Apple wanted to become a premiere Hardware and OS company.  They have
> achieved that but by going after that goal, they have limited their
> exposure.
> Microsoft wanted to become a premier OS/Software company and they have
> achieved that goal.  Like Chevy's their product is pretty good, but it
> is not the premier product out there.  But hey when you have a few
> million Chevy's out there compared to a few hundred thousand Ferrari's
> and Porche's etc.
> Ms sometimes gets into equipment sales, but it is far overshadowed by
> their Software operation.  Apple is a Hardware company that has a great
> software but that is eclipsed by their hardware.
> This is evidenced by the fact that their software is relatively
> inexpensive as compared to their hardware.
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