Just use the local ISP (Comcast for you) for the "pipe" to the Internet.  Don't 
use their mailbox, except perhaps for low priority list mail.  Use, for 
example, Gmail for your primary mailbox, or purchase a mailbox from a known, 
reliable source.  My Internet connection is via Cox Cable, but his.com provides 
my reliable mailbox.

Fred Holmes

At 09:30 AM 10/16/2008, Paula Minor wrote:
>My main email is my comcast mail.....and today I cannot get my mail  
>because they have somehow managed to change my password without  
>telling me AND can't give me a temporary one because they are making  
>"changes" to their email system....I can call LATER this afternoon to  
>see if it's finished updating.  Lovely.  I'm just glad I don't have a  
>business that really NEEDS to have their email on time.  I so wish  
>FIOS would get to my area.  I"d dump Comcast in a heartbeat.
>And since Oct.1 I've noticed a big slow down on my download speeds.   
>I"m still backing up large amounts of photos to an online storage  
>service so I suspect I'm being punished for my "overusage" of my  
>previously unlimited account.
>Sorry.  Just had to rant!
> Continuity of Government: a nice way to say Martial Law so the  
>sheep don't get scared.

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