I don't get my email thru Comcast but I have noticed consistently slower download and response times in the last several weeks on Comcast. I'm in Seattle.


Paula Minor wrote:
My main email is my comcast mail.....and today I cannot get my mail because they have somehow managed to change my password without telling me AND can't give me a temporary one because they are making "changes" to their email system....I can call LATER this afternoon to see if it's finished updating. Lovely. I'm just glad I don't have a business that really NEEDS to have their email on time. I so wish FIOS would get to my area. I"d dump Comcast in a heartbeat. And since Oct.1 I've noticed a big slow down on my download speeds. I"m still backing up large amounts of photos to an online storage service so I suspect I'm being punished for my "overusage" of my previously unlimited account.
Sorry.  Just had to rant!

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