i did not know komkast had modem/routers.
if you get one, make certain it is komkastick approved.  i bought one a few 
years that was not approved.

since people are very unhappy with comcast and switching to fios(we did it for 
cost -$50 a month), there should be tons of modems on ebay.

"N" routers are super fast.(i think).  i bought one for my wife to connect to 
her big MAC.

the "N" she got does not want to change IP address, and conflicts with 
something else, so she runs next slower("G"?) and it is plenty fast for her.  
she uses the modem/router from FIOS.

At 03:36 PM 10/25/2008, you wrote:
>I've had ATT dialup since it was acquired from IBM ...a long time.  It's too
>slow and I'm fed up.  No FIOS here during my natural life per verizon.  No
>DSL either as we're in the stix and too far from the switch.  Comcast
>offering $24.95/mo for 768mbps speed (like DSL) cheep.  Offering TV for
>$10/mo for a year (limited cable which is local channels and some other
>stuff).  I don't want to rent their modem so I was gonna get a cable modem +
>wifi router combo so I can take my laptop (has a/b/g internal) room2room and
>would place modem/router next to computer and use ethernet to hook to router
>and coax in wall to get comcast (wires already in there).  Questions:
>Linksys or Netgear ...which is better?
>Do I need "n" ?
>What else?
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