> Linksys or Netgear ...which is better?
> Do I need "n" ?
> What else?

I prefer Netgear over Linksys, but either will be fine.  You can generally
find good refurbed Netgear equipment on eBay.  I've had very good results
with Justdeals on eBay, who typically has a good supply of refurbed Netgear
equipment, at a very nice discount over buying new.  No duds yet.

I have a "G" access point (NOT a router--my firewall is my router) and cards
and that's fine with me.  The MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output)
variety tend to have better coverage than non-MIMO.  I picked up a Level 1
internal MIMO wireless card for my desktop (to go with my Netgear MIMO
access point) at Microcenter for $29.  Works great.

Don't buy anything that offers only WEP encryption.  WPA2 is the best
encryption standard and most hardware out now will support that, but I still
see a lot for sale that is WEP-only.  

Don't worry about not broadcasting your SSID; that offers very little in the
way of security.  Just make the SSID something meaningless and enable WPA or
WPA2 encryption; make sure your passcode is long enough to be difficult to
crack.  I generally use a phrase that I can remember, but isn't commonly
known.  I think mine is 26 characters long, with both letters and numbers.

Oh, and *change the default password* to the router admin console!

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