Hi...help me out with this MIMO thing ...which ones do I need to get for
that?  I have been looking at netgear CG814M and linksys wcg200 because they
are gateway/router/wireless all in one and comcast says they work with their
stuff but I don't see any MIMO mentioned...

-----Original Message-----
From: Rev. Stewart Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: what router?

N will give you the best coverage.  It may be overkill on speed but 
it is backward compatible.

Check out CNET and newegg for pricing (But also read the customer 
reviews for a critical eye on what works and what does not)

I have a Belkin pre-N MIMO and the coverage is excellent, and it works well.

I would say minimum G mimo for any router.

(Caution on the new linsys they have done away with external antennas.)


At 02:36 PM 10/25/2008, you wrote:
>I've had ATT dialup since it was acquired from IBM ...a long time.  
>It's too slow and I'm fed up.  No FIOS here during my natural life per 
>verizon.  No DSL either as we're in the stix and too far from the 
>switch.  Comcast offering $24.95/mo for 768mbps speed (like DSL) cheep.  
>Offering TV for $10/mo for a year (limited cable which is local 
>channels and some other stuff).  I don't want to rent their modem so I 
>was gonna get a cable modem + wifi router combo so I can take my laptop 
>(has a/b/g internal) room2room and would place modem/router next to 
>computer and use ethernet to hook to router and coax in wall to get 
>comcast (wires already in there).  Questions:
>Linksys or Netgear ...which is better?
>Do I need "n" ?
>What else?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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