Furthermore, I have been googling around and find there is a "not our
problem" round robin where netgear says it's comcast's problem and vice
versa ...further, there are over 100 posts for the linksys item largely
negative ...of course, people don't tend to post positives as much, do they?
...I just don't want to spoil my experience with a mess from the getgo with
this first foray into cabledom...

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Piwowar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: what router?

>so far take seems to be equal but the ability to flash the firmware 
>looks good for the netgear one ...waddaY'all say2that?

The ability to flash the firmware will extend the useful life of your 
purchase by taking care of bugs and future hacks. A good idea.

But I wonder how many of us actuallt check to see if our firmware has 
been updated and actually do the update.

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