>If I lived/worked in the DC metro area, the broadband might be more >reliable. It's not particularly reliable in most of the country.

This would be interesting to track. Do you have a source for this?

There are many comparisons of broadband service around the country and the world. Here's one:

U.S. Broadband Penetration, Speeds Lag Behind Other Countries

I suppose if I lived near DC [or anywhere with cheap, fast broadband] and rarely traveled anywhere, I wouldn't notice. But I do. Why does my brother have pathetic service near Greenville, SC, when I had spectacular service on the south coast of Crete? Service is pretty bad here on the eastern shore of Maryland--expensive, no competition. My friends in Kooskia, Idaho still have dialup, but we had very fast WiFi in the sparsely populated Cathar region of Languedoc in France.

The US isn't even in the top ten! Pathetic.


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