>In the thirty years I've used computers, I have never trusted them to >absolutely be there when I need them the most--local or remote.

Could it be that your 30-year perspective causes you to put more emphasis on things as they once were and not enough emphasis on things as they are today?

If I lived/worked in the DC metro area, the broadband might be more reliable. It's not particularly reliable in most of the country.

I use GMail, and my Yahoo email has a server in the UK. I used a database in Michigan. I use software located all over the world. But when I need to get things done in a hurry, my software is local, and I have multiple backups/archives in multiple locations.

The broadband networks in the US have a long way to go, as do the cellular networks. They're a lot better than they used to be, but certainly not as fast or reliable or cheap as they could be.

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