>I have a daughter that has  become intrigued by online gaming.  In order to 
>further her interest, bond  with her and (hopefully) to save some money, we 
>want to make a family project of  building a gaming computer for her.

Looks like a fine family project.

Since you are doing professional audio you probably have seen all kinds 
of simple electronics put into a snazzy box and sold to musicians for way 
too much money. To a large extent I suspect that gamers are like 
musicians. Vendors take advantage of their lack of technical knowledge 
and overcharge.

I also agree with the other posters that a ready-built system is going to 
cost a lot less than one you build from scratch.

I would go for a good ready-built system followed by a systems analysis 
to identify the parts that would benefit the most from modding.

First question is what kind of online games? Is this female going to be 
more interested in first-person shooters or in social MUD games?

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