On Jan 31, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

It has everything with who the primary producer of wealth is.

You have to get past this notion that all the toys belong to you.

You need to drop the platitudes and snark and make a logical argument. If what labor produces does not belong to labor, to whom does it belong?

Think of it another way. If what you stated were true you would be
obligated to give all your assets to the church.

Why?  Were you under the impression I was a diest?

Disagree - the level of taxation must be balanced against the
perceived needs of good governance, lest the a majority decide that
good governance means taxing the wealth of the minority to deliver
services to the majority.

False distinction. By definition excessive taxation would not be good

Then we clearly do not have good governance today, and throwing more money at it won't create it. Case closed.

Agreed - but government is not the only agent or means of civilization.

I also mentioned the church. What do you want to add to the list?

Voluntary associations. You must have heard of them? You know, voluntary fire companies, service organizations, the Boy Scouts, etc., etc.. All run better and leaner than government.

How is a presumptive preference for letting labor keep the fruits of
that labor where possible equal to being a looter? A looter takes but
does not produce wealth - sort of like government now that  I think
about it

The "presumptive preference" for not contributing one's fair share is
equal to being a looter.

Oh, so you get to decide what my fair share is? Who was it who said "To each according to their needs ..."

My standard is there must be a compelling need before I use government to take from my neighbor.

You can't be that stupid, so why make such absurd statements.
Zimbabwe is the ultimate example of government existing only to
perpetuate itself rather than serve the population.

Zimbabwe has no functioning government.

Oh, it functions very well at keeping itself in power to date (though it might finally be failing).

Recognize the name Barney Frank? Chris Dodd? They, not Bush, blocked
serious reform of Fannie and Freddie on more than one occasion.

These organizations have been under attack for many years. The attacks
were funded by those Wall Street banks that have brought us to ruin. They
thought they were not getting enough of the profits. They wanted them
all. Barney Frank is a very smart (and often very funny) man who we are
blessed to have during this trying time.

Man, talk about your ideological blinders. If you admire Frank, who was literally in bed with the folks he was supposed to provide oversight for, you are a lost cause.

Citations please.  Remember I did not vote for Bush - I am no fan of
his, but I don't see his fingerprints on the housing mess.

Once again, I'm not going to write a dissertation to respond to your
inability to look up facts.

Once again you hinge your arguments on unsupported statements.

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