I have no complaint with a progressive tax system. The difference is that in the past we collected less income tax from the poor and now we don't collect any income tax from the poor but give our income tax money to them.

Now we have beaten to death the point that they pay other taxes, and you seem to approve of giving out income tax money to the working poor to compensate for the other taxes they pay. You approve, and I would prefer that those other taxes be lowered for the poor instead. In fact, part of the Republican proposal for a stimulus package would include a payroll tax holiday. From minority house leader Boehner

“We've been offering suggestions. If you want a quick answer to the question what would I do, I'd have a payroll tax holiday for a year or two. That would put taxes in the hands of everybody who has a job whether they pay income taxes or not. And, of course, businesses pay the payroll tax too, so it would be both a business tax cut and individual tax cut immediately."

The longstanding debate is HOW progressive should the tax rates be. Obama wants to increase progressivity. If you allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to expire, but reinstate the middle class tax cuts, then you have done just that.

And your progressive tax rates enabled by the 16th Amendment which established the Federal Income Tax that started at 1% and rose all the way up to 7% for the very rich.

Chris Dunford wrote:
By taking from the rich to give to the poor via the tax code. I'd like
to hear your Clintonian parsing of the difference between this and
wealth redistribution.

And I'd like to hear where this is any different from what we've been doing
since 1913, when progressive tax rates were introduced.

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