> OK, I stand corrected. I'll rephrase that. Obama 
> changed his position to the Bush approach four 
> months BEFORE the election, when he wanted to
> distance himself from the quick withdrawal and 
> move toward the center.

I don't see where there is this big change of position. The Act that you
referenced specified a timetable that was consistent with the best
recommendation available at the time (from the bipartisan Iraq Study Group)
and took into account Bush's statement in January, 2007, that Iraq would be
responsible for all internal security by November, 2007. It was somewhat
shorter than the current timetable, but it's now two years later. Things

Obama has been saying basically the same thing for years, which is that we
should begin a phased and orderly withdrawal, support Iraqi efforts,
maintain any necessary deployments in Iraq, but concentrate on Afghanistan.

So what's the big change in position?

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