That is a vastly over-simplified account.  I never recoup the cost of my
water or sewer plants in your scenario.

You also ignore the disruption when the state or federal government
suddenly ignores these infrastructures.

Life sounds very simple in your world.  Probably too simple. 

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
That is actually a simple problem to solve.  You charge new customers
the cost of extending service / capacity to them.  If a developer wants
to put in 50 houses a couple miles out from the current termination
point of the service, you charge the developer the full cost of bringing
in the services.  They in turn will fold that into the resale cost of
the houses.  If folks won't buy at that price, smart developers won't

The waste is folks using utilities inefficiently because there is no
economic incentive to do otherwise.

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