I have AVG (free) running on two win xp computers. What seems to happen regularly on my systems is that AVG attempts to update and fails. Then when I click manual update it updates fine. I've just chalked it up to a quirk in the program, it is free after all.


katan wrote:
<pre wrap>At the risk of turning this list into a computer discussion list, I
have a question about AVG updates.

Mine doesn't. I've got three computers (one dual booting XP/Win7) with
AVG and all set to auto-update, and they've all been failing
("Connection failed"). It shouldn't be my Internet connection, because
they're at two different locations (the dual boot at both).

I just tried to manually update and it was crawling along at 25-30
*bytes* per second before it failed. Minutes later iTunes was updating
at about 1MB/sec.

Is it just me?


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