On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 14:29:40 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote:

>>Mine doesn't. I've got three computers (one dual booting XP/Win7) with
>>AVG and all set to auto-update, and they've all been failing
>>("Connection failed"). It shouldn't be my Internet connection, because
>>they're at two different locations (the dual boot at both).
>You may have DNS problems. Have you tried switching to OpenDNS or is you 
>already are switch to yur IPS's DNS.

Just changed over. I'll see what happens. Not sure what DNS server I
was using. Probably Comcast.

>Have you been hacking your hosts file? That could break things.


>Could be that your software is pointed at a server that is having 
>trouble. That would be internally stored information. Have you tried 
>downloading a fresh copy and reinstalling?

Might wind up doing that. . .at least once. Auto-updates won't stick on
the XP half of my dual boot.


Tea. . .Earl Grey. . .Hot

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