On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 12:42:12 -0500, Ellen Rains Harris wrote:

>I'm having no problems with mine, both v. 8.
>You might want to check your DNS settings; I had a DNS hijacked not too long 
>ago which kept me from being able to update the AVG.

I switched to OpenDNS on the dual boot. I'll see what happens.
Actually, I subsequently did a manual update that sailed through (prior
to the DNS switch). It's inconsistent.

I think I need to reinstall AVG on the XP half of my dual boot anyway.
Auto updates don't want to stick. No matter how many times I turn it
on, it keeps turning off. I even used TrendMicro's online virus scanner
to see if there was a virus turning it off.


Tea. . .Earl Grey. . .Hot

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