
There were political reasons to force us into using our food for fuel.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Matthew S. Taylor <taylorsmatt...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Why do you think we don't have them now?  I honestly have no idea but it
> could be one of the following:
> 1.  The cars do not meet US safety standards as currently configured.
> 2. The cars do not meet US or California emissions standards (no catalytic
> converter).
> 3.  The cars do not appeal to a large enough share of the market to warrant
> their importation or construction of a domestic plant.
> 4.  The tax rules for importation do not favor these vehicles.
> As I said, I don't know.  It does strike me though that if the market was
> so obvious, the demand so strong, that Fiat et. al. would already be
> shipping them here.  That they are not indicates that there is a business
> reason for not doing so, as businesses will not typically long ignore pent
> up demand.
> Matthew
> On Feb 18, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
>> I'm no Europhile, but it's a crime that we don't have access to these
>> wonderfully made, small, fun cars that they do have in Europe.  We don't get
>> the Fiat 500 Abarth, or the Ford Ka or the Citroen Picasso line.  What do we
>> get in the US?  Pathetic, tiny econoboxes that rattle down the road,
>> wheezingly emphysemic in reality and offering barely any better mileage than
>> larger cars.  (Toyota Yaris and Nissan Versa are close to the real Euro car,
>> but no deal.)  If for no other reason, GM and Chrysler deserve the bone yard
>> for that.  Adapt or die; no wait, just die already Chrysler, you moth-eaten,
>> giant sucking sound.  You haven't made a good car since 1973.  Ford will be
>> bringing its brilliant Fiesta to the US next year.
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